Aromatherapy Secrets to Embrace the Winter Solstice

There is a comfort that can be found in the rituals and practices surrounding the winter solstice. This celestial event, marking the shortest day and longest night of the year, holds immense significance for many cultures around the world. It is a time of reflection, renewal, and setting intentions for the coming year. To enhance these winter solstice rituals, meditations, and practices, you can incorporate essential oil. In this blog post, we will share with you the best essential oils to use during the winter solstice and the safe ways to incorporate them into your spiritual journey.

Before we delve into the realm of essential oils, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty and symbolism of the winter solstice. Picture a crisp, frosty morning, where the world is bathed in a soft, ethereal light. The air is filled with a sense of stillness, as nature prepares for its deep slumber. It is during this tranquil time that we can harness the energy of the winter solstice to reconnect with ourselves and the universe.

Now, let us embark on a fragrant journey into the world of aromatherapy, where essential oils become our guiding stars in this winter solstice exploration.

During the winter solstice, the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is said to be at its thinnest. It is a time when we can tap into the profound energy of the universe and align ourselves with the rhythms of nature. By incorporating essential oils into our winter solstice rituals, we can enhance our connection to this transformative period.

Essential Oils for Winter Solstice

  • Franckincense

  • Myrrh

  • Cypress

A common essential oil to use is Frankincense. This sacred oil has been used for centuries in spiritual practices and is deeply associated with the winter solstice. Its warm, resinous aroma evokes a sense of grounding and spiritual elevation. By diffusing Frankincense oil during your winter solstice meditation, you can invite a sense of peace and tranquillity into your sacred space.

Another essential oil that beautifully complements the winter solstice is Myrrh. Just like Frankincense, Myrrh has a rich history in religious and spiritual ceremonies. Its balsamic, earthy scent helps to anchor us in the present moment and connect with our inner selves. By incorporating Myrrh oil into your winter solstice rituals, you can deepen your introspection and cultivate a sense of inner wisdom.

The crisp, evergreen aroma of cypress essential oil is reminiscent of winter forests and the promise of renewal that the solstice brings. Cypress has a rejuvenating quality that can help lift your spirits during the darker days. Its fresh scent is invigorating and can serve as a symbolic representation of the evergreen, reminding us of life's continuity even in the depths of winter. Diffuse cypress oil during your ceremony to create a revitalizing atmosphere and encourage a sense of hope and growth.

It’s important to always remember the safe use of essential oils. While these potent plant extracts offer numerous benefits, they must be used with care and respect for their potency.

Here are a few guidelines to ensure your essential oil journey is a safe and enjoyable one:

  1. Always dilute essential oils before applying them to your skin. This can be done by mixing a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond or jojoba oil. A 2% dilution is a good blend for healthy adults, this is 4 drops in 10ml of carrier oil.

  2. Perform a patch test before using a new essential oil topically. Apply a small amount of the diluted oil to your inner forearm and wait 24 hours to check for any adverse reactions.

  3. When diffusing essential oils, follow the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended amount of oil to use. Remember, a little goes a long way. Typically no more than 8 drops in a large space, and 3 drops in a bedroom are needed, and diffuse for a maximum of 60 minutes at a time. Remember if children are present to decrease the drops and diffusing time. 

  4. Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets.

By following these safety guidelines, you can embrace the magic of essential oils without compromising your well-being. If you have health concerns, remember to reach out to a clinical aromatherapist to ensure you’re not using any essential oils that may interfere with medications or be contraindicated with health concerns. 

How to use these oils in your space for the solstice

Now that we have explored the essence of the winter solstice and the safe use of essential oils, let's dive into how we can infuse our winter solstice rituals, meditations, and practices with their aromatic wonders.

One powerful way to incorporate essential oils into your winter solstice rituals is through the creation of a sacred space. Begin by cleansing your space with a purifying essential oil, such as lavender or safe. These oils have been traditionally used to clear negative energy and invite positive vibrations into the environment.

Once your space is cleansed, you can create a calming and introspective atmosphere by diffusing essential oils like frankincense, myrrh, cypress, lavender or chamomile. These oils promote relaxation and serenity, allowing you to delve deep into your winter solstice intentions and reflections.

If you prefer a more tactile experience, consider creating a personalized essential oil blend to anoint yourself or your ritual tools. Combine a few drops of your chosen essential oils with a carrier oil and gently massage it into your skin or apply it to candles, crystals, or other objects that hold significance for you.

The winter solstice is a magical time to tune into the energy of the universe and set intentions for the year ahead. By incorporating essential oils into our winter solstice rituals, we can deepen our connection with ourselves and the world around us. Remember to choose oils that resonate with you, dilute them properly, and always prioritize safety. As you embark on your aromatic journey this winter solstice, may the stars guide you towards a season of renewal, growth, and inner illumination.


Want to learn more about how to use essential oils in your home? Check out our free no strings attached online course here.

Plus consider joining us in our Facebook group Love Essential Oils with Essentria where we post tips and tricks on how to use aromatherapy safely in your daily life.

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Nikki Fraser - Essentria Instructor

Nikki is passionate about empowering others in using holistic therapies to help support them on their health journey. She has specialized in aromatherapy for pregnancy & children. After 15 years as a counsellor and supply teacher in the school system, she left her corporate job and loves the ability to spend time with her family, while growing her home practice and Essentria Aromatherapy School.


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