How to put oils on your Aromatherapy bracelet

Aromatherapy bracelet & lava beads


Aroma 🌼 Jewellery is amazing!

But how the heck 🤔 do you add oils❓

Don't worry 😁 we have you covered!

Check out this video

How to use Lava Beads & Essential Oil Safely

How to use Lava Beads & Essential Oil Safely with instructor Rhonda Greenbury

Rhonda Greenbury - Essentria Instructor

Rhonda is a mother of 4 bio children and guardian to one adult child, each one gifted with something special including food allergies and intolerances, two of them have Autism, 4 of them have learning disabilities or mental health challenges and all have big hearts with loving personalities. Rhonda married her husband, an Engineer in 2007 when they fell in love during his university days!

Rhonda is a multi-passionate entrepreneur, “you get one life, live it to the fullest!”


Winter Wellness Guide


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